Position 5: Hard support
Dota2ProTracker Cheat Sheet
11273 matches
54% win rate
D2PT Rating 3542 Rank 1
Best against (any role)
Nature's Prophet 70%
Alchemist 68%
Rubick 67%
Outworld Destroyer 65%
Nyx Assassin 65%
Shadow Fiend 65%
Venomancer 64%
Venomancer 64%
Morphling 64%
Rubick 63%
Worst against (any role)
Abaddon 43%
Marci 44%
Lycan 44%
Vengeful Spirit 44%
Dazzle 45%
Viper 45%
Pugna 45%
Bristleback 46%
Winter Wyvern 46%
Viper 46%
Best against (same role)
Nature's Prophet 70%
Alchemist 68%
Morphling 64%
Rubick 63%
Slark 63%
Dark Willow 62%
Tinker 62%
Enchantress 61%
Treant Protector 61%
Hoodwink 60%
Worst against (same role)
Vengeful Spirit 44%
Dazzle 45%
Pugna 45%
Winter Wyvern 46%
Oracle 47%
Riki 47%
Jakiro 49%
Zeus 49%
Elder Titan 50%
Disruptor 50%
Chain Frost Unlimited Bounces (79.3%)
Frost Shield Provides +50 HP Regen
+4s Frost Shield Duration
Chain Frost on Death (93.2%)
-3.5s Frost Blast Cooldown
+0.3s Sinister Gaze Duration (92.8%)
+125 Frost Blast Radius and Damage
+10% Frost Shield Damage Reduction (59.0%)
Frost BlastSinister GazeFrost BlastFrost ShieldFrost BlastChain FrostFrost BlastSinister GazeSinister GazeSinister Gaze
Starting Items
4920 matches
53% win rate
D2PT Rating 3251 Rank 3
Best against (any role)
Venomancer 65%
Silencer 65%
Outworld Destroyer 64%
Shadow Fiend 64%
Void Spirit 62%
Templar Assassin 61%
Jakiro 61%
Medusa 61%
Silencer 61%
Timbersaw 60%
Worst against (any role)
Enigma 39%
Oracle 39%
Marci 39%
Elder Titan 41%
Sand King 42%
Huskar 42%
Terrorblade 43%
Bounty Hunter 44%
Ringmaster 44%
Lich 44%
Best against (same role)
Jakiro 61%
Silencer 61%
Shadow Demon 59%
Enchantress 59%
Pudge 56%
Marci 56%
Undying 55%
Ogre Magi 54%
Tusk 54%
Shadow Shaman 53%
Worst against (same role)
Bane 38%
Oracle 39%
Elder Titan 41%
Ancient Apparition 46%
Witch Doctor 47%
Lich 48%
Gyrocopter 48%
Venomancer 48%
Zeus 49%
Phoenix 49%
-0.25s Battery Assault Interval
Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs (77.5%)
+75 Rocket Flare Damage
Rocket Flare True Sight (78.2%)
+24 Battery Assault Damage
+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill (91.7%)
+75 Hookshot Damage
-2s Rocket Flare Cooldown (84.3%)
Power CogsBattery AssaultPower CogsBattery AssaultPower CogsHookshotPower CogsRocket FlareBattery AssaultBattery Assault
Starting Items
Bounty Hunter
1056 matches
55% win rate
D2PT Rating 3150 Rank 5
Best against (any role)
Timbersaw 68%
Invoker 67%
Nyx Assassin 63%
Bristleback 62%
Muerta 61%
Earthshaker 61%
Storm Spirit 60%
Bloodseeker 59%
Phantom Assassin 59%
Zeus 58%
Worst against (any role)
Doom 46%
Puck 47%
Alchemist 47%
Clockwerk 48%
Lich 49%
Best against (same role)
Zeus 58%
Ogre Magi 50%
Worst against (same role)
Phoenix 41%
Abaddon 47%
Clockwerk 48%
Lich 49%
No Cooldown on Jinada
+250 Shuriken Toss Damage (87.0%)
+50 Jinada Gold Steal
Track Grants Shared Vision (91.5%)
+45 Track Gold
-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk (82.9%)
+30 Jinada Damage
+0.6s Shuriken Toss Slow (82.6%)
Shadow WalkShuriken TossShuriken TossJinadaShuriken TossTrackShuriken TossShadow WalkShadow WalkShadow Walk
Starting Items
3337 matches
53% win rate
D2PT Rating 3048 Rank 9
Best against (any role)
Silencer 71%
Terrorblade 64%
Bristleback 63%
Batrider 62%
Timbersaw 62%
Pudge 61%
Bristleback 61%
Shadow Fiend 61%
Crystal Maiden 61%
Warlock 60%
Worst against (any role)
Io 33%
Earth Spirit 36%
Broodmother 38%
Shadow Shaman 42%
Earthshaker 43%
Beastmaster 43%
Spirit Breaker 44%
Jakiro 44%
Drow Ranger 44%
Centaur Warrunner 45%
Best against (same role)
Silencer 71%
Pudge 61%
Crystal Maiden 61%
Warlock 60%
Undying 59%
Oracle 58%
Shadow Demon 57%
Zeus 57%
Ogre Magi 54%
Venomancer 52%
Worst against (same role)
Elder Titan 19%
Io 33%
Dark Willow 36%
Shadow Shaman 42%
Jakiro 44%
Disruptor 45%
Tusk 46%
Marci 48%
Pugna 49%
Lion 49%
350 AoE Mist Coil (85.0%)
+80 Curse of Avernus Attack Speed Bonus
400 Borrowed Time Immolation DPS
+80 Aphotic Shield Barrier Amount (79.0%)
+35 Mist Coil Heal/Damage (95.8%)
+50 Curse of Avernus DPS
Aphotic Shield provides +12HP Regen (95.4%)
-15% Curse of Avernus Movement Slow
Aphotic ShieldMist CoilMist CoilAphotic ShieldMist CoilBorrowed TimeMist CoilAphotic ShieldAphotic ShieldAphotic Shield provides +12HP Regen
Starting Items
206 matches
48% win rate
D2PT Rating 2993 Rank 25
Best against (any role)
Worst against (any role)
Best against (same role)
Worst against (same role)
+75% Hammer of Purity Bonus Base Damage
+160 Purification Damage/Heal (100.0%)
-3s Purification Cooldown
+2s Guardian Angel Duration (69.4%)
-20s Guardian Angel Cooldown (64.0%)
+3 Repel Strength/HP Regen per Debuff
+35 Base Damage
+1s Repel Duration (98.9%)
Hammer of PurityPurificationPurificationRepelPurificationGuardian AngelPurificationRepelRepelRepel
Starting Items
Ogre Magi
6919 matches
51% win rate
D2PT Rating 2987 Rank 37
Best against (any role)
Venomancer 65%
Shadow Fiend 63%
Magnus 63%
Phoenix 62%
Terrorblade 61%
Marci 60%
Razor 59%
Vengeful Spirit 59%
Pudge 59%
Gyrocopter 59%
Worst against (any role)
Enigma 35%
Broodmother 36%
Leshrac 38%
Abaddon 41%
Tiny 42%
Marci 42%
Viper 44%
Bristleback 44%
Visage 44%
Bounty Hunter 45%
Best against (same role)
Marci 60%
Pudge 59%
Grimstroke 59%
Silencer 58%
Rubick 58%
Enchantress 56%
Ringmaster 56%
Magnus 56%
Undying 56%
Ancient Apparition 55%
Worst against (same role)
Bane 37%
Tinker 43%
Pugna 45%
Abaddon 46%
Clockwerk 46%
Zeus 47%
Lich 47%
Elder Titan 48%
Venomancer 48%
Warlock 48%
+240 Fireblast Damage (91.0%)
17% Fireblast chance on attack
+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed (61.6%)
+30 Strength
+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength (69.6%)
+80 Damage
-1s Fireblast Cooldown
+15 Ignite DPS (87.8%)
Starting Items
3192 matches
49% win rate
D2PT Rating 2978 Rank 38
Best against (any role)
Templar Assassin 60%
Drow Ranger 59%
Tiny 58%
Pudge 56%
Rubick 56%
Undying 56%
Pangolier 56%
Dark Willow 56%
Earthshaker 55%
Templar Assassin 55%
Worst against (any role)
Shadow Shaman 35%
Magnus 37%
Axe 38%
Enigma 39%
Bounty Hunter 39%
Huskar 39%
Ember Spirit 40%
Phoenix 40%
Terrorblade 40%
Earthshaker 40%
Best against (same role)
Pudge 56%
Rubick 56%
Undying 56%
Silencer 52%
Shadow Shaman 51%
Abaddon 51%
Crystal Maiden 51%
Clockwerk 50%
Phoenix 50%
Marci 50%
Worst against (same role)
Warlock 41%
Bounty Hunter 41%
Zeus 41%
Pugna 43%
Tusk 44%
Treant Protector 44%
Lich 45%
Oracle 45%
Elder Titan 46%
Disruptor 47%
+250 AoE Hex
+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distance (58.1%)
Earth Spike affects a 30 degree cone (76.0%)
+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill
+70 Max Health Per Finger of Death Kill (76.2%)
-2.5s Hex Cooldown
+65 Earth Spike Damage (59.7%)
+10% Mana Drain Slow
Earth SpikeMana DrainMana DrainHexMana DrainFinger of DeathMana DrainEarth SpikeEarth SpikeEarth Spike
Starting Items
Treant Protector
499 matches
46% win rate
D2PT Rating 2942 Rank 41
Best against (any role)
Lina 52%
Nyx Assassin 50%
Worst against (any role)
Lich 39%
Morphling 41%
Dawnbreaker 42%
Phantom Assassin 47%
Best against (same role)
Worst against (same role)
Zeus 32%
Lich 39%
450 AoE Living Armor
-35s Overgrowth Cooldown (60.0%)
+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal
+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor (70.9%)
+25 Nature's Grasp Damage (76.9%)
+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow
-4s Nature's Grasp Cooldown (67.3%)
+2 Living Armor Heal Per Second
Leech SeedNature's GraspLeech SeedNature's GraspLeech SeedOvergrowthLeech SeedNature's GraspNature's Grasp-4s Nature's Grasp Cooldown
Starting Items
Shadow Demon
2476 matches
50% win rate
D2PT Rating 2935 Rank 40
Best against (any role)
Templar Assassin 65%
Tiny 63%
Dark Willow 63%
Pugna 61%
Beastmaster 60%
Riki 60%
Clockwerk 60%
Terrorblade 59%
Storm Spirit 58%
Timbersaw 57%
Worst against (any role)
Legion Commander 33%
Earth Spirit 35%
Shadow Shaman 35%
Kez 39%
Phoenix 39%
Bounty Hunter 40%
Spirit Breaker 40%
Clockwerk 41%
Lifestealer 41%
Lich 42%
Best against (same role)
Pugna 61%
Marci 57%
Pudge 55%
Lion 53%
Phoenix 51%
Zeus 50%
Worst against (same role)
Bounty Hunter 29%
Shadow Shaman 35%
Elder Titan 36%
Clockwerk 41%
Abaddon 43%
Io 44%
Oracle 45%
Dark Willow 46%
Ogre Magi 47%
Disruptor 47%
0.25 Charges of Disruption (76.5%)
-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown
+150 Demonic Purge/Cleanse Damage/Heal
+15% Disseminate Shared Damage (63.6%)
-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown (61.7%)
+25 Movement Speed
+10 Strength (83.6%)
+15% Shadow Poison Damage
DisruptionShadow PoisonShadow PoisonDisseminateShadow PoisonDemonic PurgeShadow PoisonDisseminateDisseminateDisseminate
Starting Items
2651 matches
51% win rate
D2PT Rating 2934 Rank 39
Best against (any role)
Shadow Shaman 66%
Tusk 64%
Terrorblade 62%
Drow Ranger 60%
Tiny 60%
Hoodwink 58%
Bristleback 58%
Crystal Maiden 58%
Gyrocopter 58%
Lifestealer 57%
Worst against (any role)
Pugna 38%
Bounty Hunter 39%
Phoenix 40%
Shadow Shaman 42%
Kez 44%
Marci 44%
Jakiro 45%
Dark Willow 45%
Medusa 45%
Earth Spirit 45%
Best against (same role)
Shadow Shaman 66%
Tusk 64%
Crystal Maiden 58%
Abaddon 55%
Lion 53%
Phoenix 53%
Shadow Demon 53%
Pudge 53%
Lich 50%
Worst against (same role)
Io 27%
Pugna 38%
Bounty Hunter 41%
Marci 44%
Jakiro 45%
Warlock 46%
Ogre Magi 46%
Silencer 47%
Clockwerk 48%
Treant Protector 48%
+150 Static Storm Radius (84.8%)
-12s Glimpse Cooldown
+0.5s Thunder Strike Slow Duration
+2s Kinetic Field Duration (91.6%)
+1.5s Static Storm Duration (93.1%)
+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max
+10 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike
-3s Kinetic Field Cooldown (64.7%)
Thunder StrikeGlimpseGlimpseKinetic FieldGlimpseStatic StormGlimpseKinetic FieldKinetic FieldKinetic Field
Starting Items